Tuesday, September 29, 2009


oh god.
i had such a crush on lion-0.

Monday, September 28, 2009

why are all of these things happening now?

normally being able to rely upon work as a source of pride, satisfaction, and self-confidence has allowed me to weather romantic highs and lows. currently that is not the case. instead with a rapidly plummeting outlook and an increasing sense of dread towards work, i have been able to see more clearly that which is important. i mean why do all of this work, if it's not contributing to that which and those whom i love?
this is all to say that work is eating my life right now. i miss having someone to balance it all out. how much i miss my old boyfriend. i miss you much. the boyfriend who had an uncanny attention for me. the boyfriend that i would gladly make a sacrifice for if it meant we could try again. yup, this is all pushing me towards a sweeping romantic and dynamic change.
hmmmmm. wonder what will fulfill me again?

Saturday, September 26, 2009


my mom has embraced texting in a way i never would've imagined. the easy constant contact is great, but what is greater is the expression and humor that she can convey in the briefest of phrases. my parents just got public water (finally over 40+ years on a big hill in rural western pennsylvania). they are so excited. flushing the toilet, taking a shower, and doing laundry at the same time and nothing bad happens. wow.
here's a little something left behind as evidence of my dad's efforts to "repair" or "improve" something with minimal resources. i've come to love his use of the blue tarp as an answer to most outdoor problems, in this case as a means of keeping the grass from growing up through the spot where he parks the tractor out back.